Why smooya deserves another chance at the top tier of CS:GO
rushbmedia.com › case-for-smooyaSep 10, 2021 · Economically, smooya does not even need to accept any of these offers if they come. 1700 Twitch subscribers provide a life that is more than comfortable. The path to being CSGO’s most popular permanent streamer is wide open, as is the switch to VALORANT. smooya knows this and is still desperate enough to publicly state that he would accept “50% of your AWPer’s salary” tomorrow to get back on a team.
Owen Butterfield (@smooyacs) / Twitter
twitter.com › smooyacsFeb 28, 2016 · smooyacs - Twitch Professional UK CSGO player turned content creator. SHOUTING MANY TIMES A GAME 16 Owen Butterfield @smooyacs · Jan 26 Thank you for the new combo @kennyS_ . Managed to scam him😁 63 Owen Butterfield @smooyacs · Jan 26 Looking for some twitch work doing. Need new sub badges and custom sub alerts ect DMs are open 84 169