Dark Lager - Small Beer Brew Co - Brewver
brewver.com › beers › 127099From the world's first Small Beer Brewery, 'The Original Small Beer Dark Lager' is all coffee, toast and dark chocolate. It noses like a stout or porter, but drinks like a lager leaving you with a lightly roasted finish on the palate. This is unquestionably a beer to both refresh & challenge.
What is Dark Lager? | Small Beer
theoriginalsmallbeer.com › discover-dark-lagerSep 23, 2022 · DISCOVER SMALL BEER DARK LAGER Crafted at a logic defying 1% ABV, our low alcohol Dark Lageris a truly unique beer. With its own cult following, it's the dark horse in our range of lower alcohol beers. Not only is it our only dark beer, it contains the lowest alcohol concentration and the fewest calories.