70+ Fun and easy sitcom trivia questions with answers
kidsnclicks.com › sitcom-triviaJan 15, 2022 · 90s sitcom trivia questions with answers. In the TV show ‘Friends,’ the main characters would hang out at a Coffee shop. What was its name? – Central Perk; Which TV show featured Cylons as evil robots? – Battlestar Galactica; Apart from being a popular star on ‘Family matters, ‘Steve Urkel also made a guest appearance on which show? -Full house
Sitcom Trivia - Useful Trivia
usefultrivia.com › tv_trivia › sitcom_trivia1) Which character on Friends frequently exclaims "We were on a break"? CHANDLER ROSS JOEY MONICA 2) What does The Andy Griffith Show's Barney Fife keep in his shirt pocket? UTILITY KNIFE JAIL KEY CANDY BULLET 3) How does George Costanza's fiancee die on Seinfeld? LICKING ENVELOPES HANGING A PICTURE SCRUBBING HER TOILET JUICING A LEMON