Siri - Apple › siriSiri is an easy way to make calls, send texts, use apps, and get things done with just your voice. And Siri is the most private intelligent assistant.
Siri - Apple most private digital assistant. Siri keeps your information private and secure — what you ask Siri isn’t associated with your Apple ID. The power of the Apple Neural Engine ensures that the audio of your …
Siri - Apple (ES) › es › siriEl asistente inteligente más discreto. Siri protege tu información y su privacidad al no asociar tus consultas a tu ID de Apple. El potente Neural Engine de Apple se asegura de que el audio de tus solicitudes nunca salga de tu iPhone o iPad, salvo que decidas compartirlo. Gracias a la inteligencia del dispositivo, Siri va aprendiendo tus ...
Mitini: Siri For Windows › mitini-siri-for-windowsApr 4, 2020 · Mitini: Siri For Windows. Siri, the personal voice assistant feature in the latest version of the iPhone has been making news around the world for its ability to respond and answer questions. As some of you know, a few similar apps are available for both Windows Phone 7 and Android, but none of them come close to Siri.