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Siri - Apple (DE)
WebMit Siri kannst du einfach anrufen, Nachrichten senden oder Apps nutzen – mit deiner Stimme. Und Siri ist der sicherste intelligente Assistent.
Siri (Apple) - Wikipedia › wiki › Siri_(Apple)
Siri on Applen henkilökohtainen puhetunnistukseen perustuva virtuaaliavustaja. Se osaa esimerkiksi kirjoittaa viestejä ja kalenterimerkintöjä ääniohjatusti, ...
Siri - Wikipedia › wiki › Siri
Siri ( / ˈsiːri, ˈsɪri / SEE-ree, SI-ree) is a virtual assistant that is part of Apple Inc. 's iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, audioOS, and visionOS operating systems. [1] [2] It uses voice queries, gesture based control, focus-tracking and a natural-language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions ...
Siri - Wikipedia
Siri is a virtual assistant that is part of Apple Inc.'s iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, audioOS, and visionOS operating systems. It uses voice queries, gesture based control, focus-tracking and a natural-language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services. With continued use, it adapts to users' individual language usages, searches, and preferences, returning individualized results.
Ääniavustajat vertailussa: Siri, Google Assistant vai Alexa? › artikkelit › tieto-ja-tekniikka
Kolme suosituinta ääniavustajaa ovat Applen Siri, Googlen Assistant ja Amazonin Alexa. Näille virtuaaliassistenteille on yhteistä, että ne vastaavat ...
Siri | › tag › siri
Applen Siri-virtuaaliavustajaan on lisättu kaksi uutta ääntä, TechCrunch vahvistaa. Vanha tuttu naisääni ei enää ole oletusarvoinen valinta. Apple tarjoaa Siri- ...
Use Siri on all your Apple devices - Apple Support › en-us › HT204389
Apr 14, 2022 · From finding information to controlling your home, discover more ways you can use Siri to help you do the things you do every day. Siri availability and features vary by language, and country and region. Learn which Siri features are supported in your country or region on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
10 years of Siri: the history of Apple's voice assistant
Since 2021’s iOS 14.5 update, too, Siri also no longer offers a default voice – you have to pick one! What was Siri like 10 years ago? Back in 2011, Siri was nowhere …
Siri - Apple › siri
Siri is an easy way to make calls, send texts, use apps, and get things done with just your voice. And Siri is the most private intelligent assistant.
Siri | Features, Shortcuts, Abilities - AppleInsider › inside › siri
Siri is Apple's smart assistant across all of its platforms. It uses machine learning to determine suggestions for users, answer queries, or control devices ...
Siri | Features, Shortcuts, Abilities - AppleInsider
Siri is Apple's smart assistant across all of its platforms. It uses machine learning to determine suggestions for users, answer queries, or control devices. Users can configure it to speak with ...
Käytä Siriä kaikilla Apple-laitteillasi › fi-fi
Siri pystyy auttamaan sinua asioissa, jotka sinun on etsittävä, tiedettävä tai tehtävä joka päivä. Sano vain ”Hei Siri” tai paina jotakin ...
Siri - Wikipedia › wiki › Siri
Siri (/ˈsiːri, ˈsɪri/ SEE-ree, SI-ree) is a virtual assistant that is part of Apple Inc.'s iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, audioOS, and visionOS ...
Siri - Apple › siri
Siri is an easy way to make calls, send texts, use apps, and get things done with just your voice. And Siri is the most private intelligent assistant.
What is Siri and how does Siri work? - Pocket-lint…
Our guide to Siri - Apple's voice-controlled personal assistant. Here's how it works and everything else you need to know.
Apple Siri -yhteensopivat kaiuttimet - Tutustu tuotteisiin › ... › Älykaiuttimet
Tutustu Apple Siri -yhteensopiviin älykaiuttimiin. Gigantista löydät kattavan valikoiman Siri -ääniavustajaa tukevia kaiuttimia alan tunnetuilta ...
Siri - Apple
WebSiri is an easy way to make calls, send texts, use apps, and get things done with just your voice. And Siri is the most private intelligent assistant.
Siri - Apple (AU)
WebSiri is an easy way to make calls, send text messages, use apps and get things done with your voice. Siri is the most private intelligent assistant.
Android-sovellukset (SIRI) Google Playssa › store › apps › developer › i...
Löydä miljoonia Android-sovelluksia, pelejä, biisejä, elokuvia, TV-ohjelmia, kirjoja ja lehtiä. Käytä sisältöä missä ja milloin tahansa kaikilla ...
What is Siri and how does Siri work? - Pocket-lint › apps › news
Nov 2, 2021 · Siri is Apple's voice-controlled personal assistant and she, or he, has been around for several years now. The assistant first appeared on the iPhone 4S but Siri is also available on iPad, iPod...
Use Siri on all your Apple devices - Apple Support
From finding information to controlling your home, discover more ways you can use Siri to help you do the things you do every day. Siri availability and features vary by language, and country and region. Learn …
How to Set Up and Use "Hey Siri" on iPhone and iPad ……
"Hey Siri" is a feature in Apple products that listens for the spoken words "Hey Siri" to bring Siri to attention. The command is a verbal replacement for needing to hold down the home or side button on your …
Siri Commands For Android Tips – Google Play ‑sovellukset › store › apps › details
Tämä sovellus tarjoaa täydellisen luettelon komennoista Sirille, joka on sisäänrakennettu Applen tuotteisiin iPhone 4S:stä alkaen. Commands for Siri ...