Sipoo - ONNI › locations › sipooONNI on kotimainen, nopeasti kasvava sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoalan palveluyritys. Yrityksemme omistaa suomalainen Tradeka-Yhtiöt Oy. Päätoimialamme ovat hoivapalvelut, ensihoito sekä hammaslääkäri- ja lääkäripalvelut julkiselle terveydenhuollolle. Missiomme on olla tinkimättömänä tukena asiakkaidemme arjessa ja elämän ...
Sipoo - Siskon Siivous › locations › sipooOur employees are the cornerstone of our service. We see every cleaner as a individual and we consider their life situation while planning for shifts and assignments. We offer all our employees competitive salary (no less than 11,02€/h) no matter the background of the employee. Read about Siskon Siivous workplace from here!
Job Vacancies and Recruitment - Sipoo - Sibbo › en › serviceJob Vacancies and Recruitment. In Sipoo, the entire personnel may participate in development and improvement of municipal services and forms of activity. Development is based on high-quality, customer oriented services and a trailblazer attitude. When working at the municipality of Sipoo, you will have an opportunity to face new and interesting ...