Wilma Sipoo - Sipoo - Sibbo
www.sipoo.fi › asiointikanava › wilma-sipooJan 1, 2023 · Wilma Sipoo - Sipoo - Sibbo 1.1.2023 alkaen sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista vastaa Itä-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue. Saat kaikki tiedot sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista sekä tiedot koronaviruksesta ja -rokotuksista hyvinvointialueen verkkosivuilta: itauusimaa.fi. Palveluneuvonta koko Itä-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialueella palvelee numerossa 019 5600 111.
Wilma login - Wilma - Sipoon koulutoimisto - InSchool
sipoo.inschool.fiWhat is Wilma? Wilma is the web interface for the student administration program Primus and for the schedule program Kurre 7. This Wilma license is owned by Sipoon koulutoimisto. In Wilma a student can register for courses, check grades, read announcements and communicate with teachers.
Enrollment in school - Suomi.fi
www.suomi.fi › services › enrollment-in-school-theEnrollment in school. Service. Sipoo. Public service. The goal for basic education is to support pupils’ growth toward humanity and ethically responsible membership of society and to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed in life. Basic education is aimed for each age group in its entirety, and education is provided free of charge.
Schools - Sipoo - Sibbo
www.sipoo.fi › en › serviceThere are a total of 15 educational establishments providing basic education in the municipality of Sipoo: eight Swedish speaking and four Finnish speaking primary schools; one Swedish speaking and one Finnish speaking lower secondary school; and one Finnish speaking comprehensive school.