Nouns: singular and plural - Cambridge Grammar › us › grammarNouns used only in the singular. Some nouns are used only in the singular, even though they end in -s. These include: the names of academic subjects such as classics, economics, mathematics/maths, physics; the physical activities gymnastics and aerobics; the diseases measles and mumps; and the word news: Maths was never my best subject at school.
Singular Vs. Plural Nouns | › e › grammarApr 15, 2021 · Tips for differentiating singular vs. plural nouns. The easiest way to tell if a noun is a singular noun or a plural noun is to look at how much of something it is referring to. If it is only referring to one person or thing, it is a singular noun. If it is referring to more than one person or thing, it is a plural noun.