Simple Past Tense Examples - BYJUS › english › simple-past-tense-examplesSimple Past Tense Example to Show Complete Actions. The main use of the simple past tense is to denote events that happened in the past. So, if any sentence depicts an action that has already happened at a specific time, then the verb is in the past tense. Lisa went to the supermarket yesterday. Sam cooked a tasty dinner yesterday. My brother saw a movie yesterday. Last year I travelled to France. I washed the dishes. My mother bought a dress for me. Simple Past Tense Example to Show Time in ...
Simple Past Tense–Grammar Rules | Grammarly › blog › simple-pastDec 16, 2020 · What are some examples of simple past tense? “I ate cereal for breakfast this morning.” “Morganucodon was an early mammal that lived with dinosaurs.” Can simple past tense express future action? The simple past tense can only express actions in the past. However, you can show current ongoing actions that started in the past with the present perfect continuous tense (e.g., “I have been working there for twenty years”).