(PDF) Past Simple & Past Continuous Exercises
*I was living in Indooroopilly when it happened. *I was staying at my friend's house while my parents were touring Italy. (The present participle is the base of a verb + ing i.e. walk walking). EXERCISES PAST SIMPLE & PAST CONTINUOUS …
Simple past worksheets - free
3 Simple Past exercises answers PDF. 4 Simple Past reguar verbs worksheet PDF. 5 Simple Past regular verbs answers PDF. 6 Simple Past regular verbs worksheet PDF. 7 Simple Past regular verbs secrets answers PDF. 8 Simple …
The Past Tense – Simple Past
www.edu.xunta.gal › centros › cpibembibre1.an action that happened in the past 2.a truth about a time in the past • Add “ed” or “ied”to regularverb endings in simple past tense when used to describe any subject (I, you, we, they, he, she, it). Subject [verb + “ed” or “ied”] The verb “to be”has an irregular conjugation: I / he / she / it [was] you / we / they [were]