Silvia – Wikipedia on latinalaisperäinen naisen etunimi, Silvius-nimen naispuolinen vastine , joka esiintyy myös muodossa Sylvia. Nimi on johdettu latinan metsää tarkoittavasta sanasta silva. , Suomessa nimi Silva on 1900-luvun alusta vuoden 2019 loppuun mennessä annettu 1323 henkilölle.
Silvia – Wikipedia oder Sylvia ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens. Der Name kommt aus dem Lateinischen, wo silva Wald bedeutet. Daher wird die Bedeutung von Silvia/Sylvia oft als Königin des Waldes oder Herrin des Waldes angegeben. Ein weiterer Zusammenhang könnte auch zu einer Form ...
SILVIA utente SILVIA; Linee guida VIA; Metodi di espletamento delle procedure di verifica di assoggettabilità a VIA; Valutazione Preliminare - art. 6, comma 9 del d.lgs. 152/2006; Documentazione procedure l.r. 5/2010; Osservazioni del pubblico; Repository dati di riferimento; Area reportistica; FAQ; News; 2021 SETTEMBRE; 2021 FEBBRAIO ; 2020 ...
Nissan Silvia - Wikipedia › wiki › Nissan_SilviaThe Nissan Silvia (Japanese: 日産・シルビア, Hepburn: Nissan Shirubia) is the series of sport coupes built on the Nissan S platform.Versions of the Silvia have been marketed as the 180SX in Japan and as the 200SX or 240SX for export, with some export versions being sold under the Datsun brand.
Silvia - Wikipedia (Italian: ) is a female given name of Latin origin, with a male equivalent Silvio and English-language cognate Sylvia.The name originates from the Latin word for forest Silva and its meaning is spirit of the wood. The mythological god of the forest was associated with the figure of Silvanus.. In Roman mythology, Silvia is the goddess of the forest while Rea Silvia was the …
Silvia - Wikipedia › wiki › SilviaSilvia. Silvia ( Italian: [ˈsilvja]) is a female given name of Latin origin, with a male equivalent Silvio and English-language cognate Sylvia. The name originates from the Latin word for forest Silva and its meaning is spirit of the wood. The mythological god of the forest was associated with the figure of Silvanus .