This book is a great pictorial reference for collectors and sellers of antique silverplate. The layout and pictures make it pretty ease to flip through the book ...
Vintage manufacturers did not always place their name or symbol on the smaller pieces of the set. Look for the mark on the back of the spoon cradle, the knife ...
We have hundreds of patterns of new and estate silverplate flatware available. Browse or selection online or contact us directly for pattern replacement, ...
Is It Sterling or Silverplate? · Almost all sterling silver is marked with the word "sterling" or the number "925." If the piece is marked with either of these, ...
Silver Plate Pattern Identification Guide. The best book available for silver plate pattern identification is called " Silverplated Flatware - An Identification and Value Guide " by Tere …
Identify sterling silver flatware, plated, stainless, china & crystal patterns - comprehensive pattern identification guides at The Silver Queen Inc. If you cannot find your pattern here, please send …
If you are a collector and/or a dealer in silver plated flatware you simply have to have this book. Even with the internet you could spend literally hours trying to identify a piece and often fail. …