Get Shopping Calculator - Microsoft Store › en-us › pShopping Calculator allows you to quickly create shopping lists and calculate costs: • easily add goods, quantity and price • define discounts on individual items by percent or amount • highlight items • calculate sales tax • save, keep and reopen the shopping list for your convenience Screenshots People also like Phoenix Force Free +
Shopping Calculator with Tax on the App Store › us › appThis is the most powerful & handy shopping calculator app ever for grocery calculator Calculation such as "5% discount" and "10% discount" can be done with one touch. It is very helpful at shopping time. Entering numbers on Shopping Calculator will quickly calculate and display the sales tax inclusive price.
Total Plus-Shopping Calculator on the App Store › us › appIdeal for calculating big shopping lists or simply use it as a price and discount calculator. FEATURES: - Instant Calculations - See your total as you type the price, discount, and quantity - Auto Tax Detection (US only). - Multiple discounts. Add up to five, money, or percentage discounts. - Calculate by quantity or by weight (Pounds or Kilograms)