Controlling Crane Flies | The Seattle Times › archiveJan 29, 1995 · Crane flies overwinter as larvae in the ground at fairly shallow depths with a weak hibernation that is temperature-driven. Western Washington can have mild spells in winter. If these last several days, the larvae wake up and feed. If populations are high, 30 or more larvae per square foot, serious damage could occur.
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Common Raven - BirdWeb › birdweb › birdThe female (possibly with help from the male) incubates 3-7 (usually 5 or 6) eggs for about 20 days. The male feeds the female on the nest and helps her brood the young when they first hatch. The young leave the nest after 4-7 weeks. At this time, they can fly short distances and usually stay close to the nest for another week or so.