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sentences in present tense

Present simple | LearnEnglish - British Council Learn English › ...
The present tense is the base form of the verb: I work in London. ... Complete these sentences so that they are true for a friend and try to remember them: ...
20 sentences in simple present tense - English Grammar Here › tenses › 20-sentences-in
20 sentences in simple present tense 1.We play tennis every morning. 2.You have some schoolwork to do. 3. Do you eat ice cream? 4.The train leaves in ten minutes. 5.If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, your teeth decays. 6.If you make a cake, you firstly break eggs. 7.Baby wakes up if we make ...
25 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences - Pinterest › pin
Jul 18, 2019 - English Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences My father goes to gym every day. She loves to play basketball.
Simple Present Tense Sentences (Affirmative, Negative ... › simple-present-tense
Aug 16, 2022 · Simple Present Tense Sentences (Affirmative, Negative & Interrogative) The simple present tense is one of the most commonly used in English grammar tenses. It is used to express an action that is routine, repeated, or may state some facts. We have put down 50 simple present tense sentences (affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences) for you.
The Present Simple Tense | Examples & Exercises - Ginger Software › the-present-simple-tense
In the present simple 3rd person singular (he, she, it), add s, es, or ies to the base form of the verb. To regular verbs just add an s – Ex: travel >travel s, give > give s, play >play s. To verbs that end in s, ss, sh, ch, x, and o, add an es – Ex: wash > wash es, mix > mix es, go >go es.
Examples of Present Tense | Learn English
Examples of Present Tense: Rock wants to sing. Bill writes the letters. Peter is coming to our place. Bob has given the book to Allen. I am going to the varsity. Aric loves to read books. Lisa …
The Present Simple Tense | Examples & Exercises
Negative Sentences in the Present Simple Tense Spelling Tip When shortening the 3rd person (he, she, it) negative, just remove the o in not and add an apostrophe (‘) does not > does n’t …
5 Sentences in Present Tense - EngDic
Many people find themselves in this type of rut, but there are ways to break out of it. One way is to start using present tense verbs in your everyday speech and writing. 5 Sentences in Present …
Simple Present Tense Sentences (Affirmative, Negative
16.8.2022 · Simple Present Tense Sentences Affirmative Sentences I need some time to complete this assignment. James likes swimming. I often talk to my friends about their jobs. He …
90 Sentences of Simple Present Tense, Example Sentences › tenses
1.He loves to play basketball. · 2.He goes to school. · 3.Does he go to school? · 4.She writes an e-mail to her best friend. · 5.He thinks he is very handsome. · 6.
50 Sentences of Simple Present Tense - English Study Here › tenses
1. My son lives in London. · 2. She plays basketball. · 3. He catches the train every morning. · 4. Michael doesn't work. · 5. My father doesn't speak good English.
60 Sentences Example in Present Simple Tense - Englishtivi › sentences-in-present-simple-tense
Present Simple Affirmative Sentences. The boys play football. My father writes books. She eats noodles every Sunday. You swim in the pool. I walk to school every day. Peter plays games every day. I like your bracelet. John speaks English well. My brother takes care of the baby every day. I do my ...
The Present Simple Tense | Examples & Exercises › the...
The sun sets in the west. · We produce lasers for cosmetic surgery. · They move into their new home next week. · So, I go to Mr. · Jones stops in mid-court and ...
Present Tense: Explanation and Examples - Grammar Monster › ...
The present tense is the verb tense used to describe a current event or state of being, but, oddly, the present tense can also describe past and future ...
20 sentences in simple present tense - English Grammar Here
Here are 20 sentences in simple present tense; 1.We play tennis every morning. 2.You have some schoolwork to do. 3. Do you eat ice cream? 4.The train leaves in ten minutes. 5.If …
Simple present tense | EF | Global Site › ... › Simple present tense
The simple present tense is used: · To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes: · To give instructions or ...
100 Sentences in Simple Present Tense - EngDic
25.2.2022 · 100 Sentences in Simple Present Tense He does not visit his parents every Saturday. You do not learn grammar. We buy milk every day. Do you not go to the market …
5 Sentences in Simple Present Tense - EngDic
5 Examples in Simple Present Tense Do I not fry pan everyday. She runs daily in the morning. They offer prayers five times a day. Do I not chew pan everyday. I do not get up early in the …
60 Sentences Example in Present Perfect Tense - Englishtivi
Sentences in Present Perfect Tense is a section that provides sentences with the present perfect tense. In this section, you will find 60 sentences examples of affirmative sentences , negative …
60 Sentences Example in Present Simple Tense - Englishtivi
2.4.2022 · Present Simple Affirmative Sentences The boys play football. My father writes books. She eats noodles every Sunday. You swim in the pool. I walk to school every day. Peter plays …
100 Sentences in Present Perfect Tense - EngDic
100 Sentences in Present Perfect Tense Have you ever eaten sushi? No, I have n’t eaten sushi before. You have been to New York, have n’t you? Have they cleaned the office yet? Yes, they …