21.4.2022 · Project Semicolon is a non-profit with a mission to inspire hope and create community among those who struggle with mental illness , addiction and suicide. While the …
They are known for encouraging people to tattoo the punctuation mark semicolon (;) as a form of solidarity between people dealing with mental illness or the ...
Jul 08, 2015 · It’s about mental health and destroying the negative stigma attached to it. If you’ve seen a person with a tiny semicolon on their wrist or arm, you’re facing someone who has overcome serious mental health issues — from depression and anxiety, to schizophrenia — and has chosen not to end their lives, but rather to move forward anew.
May 09, 2022 · The semicolon is a significant part of the mental health awareness movement and suicide prevention for many reasons. It, first of all, brings awareness and signifies that you aren’t alone....
28.5.2021 · I am not the sole person with this tattoo. I got it after learning of @projsemicolon. The #semicolonproject defines itself as "dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are …
Sep 07, 2016 · In a recent interview with the Traumaand Mental Health Report, Amy shared the meaning behind the semicolon: “It represents continuance. Authors usually use the semicolon when they choose not to end...
8.9.2021 · The semicolon symbolizes a continuation of someone’s life. The semicolon is a representation of strength in the middle of a storm. It is used as an affirmation of solidarity …
25.1.2019 · A semicolon – a punctuation mark that indicates where the writer could have ended a sentence, but decided not and continued the sentence. The mark separates two connected …
When used as a punctuation mark, a semicolon separates two thoughts. However, it shows that they both share a common thread. Regarding mental health awareness, the semicolon …
3.12.2019 · Created to symbolize affirmation and solidarity against suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues, the semicolon inspires strength in the midst of suffering. The …
7.9.2016 · In a recent interview with the Trauma and Mental Health Report, Amy shared the meaning behind the semicolon: “It represents continuance. Authors usually use the semicolon …
8.7.2015 · It’s about mental health and destroying the negative stigma attached to it. If you’ve seen a person with a tiny semicolon on their wrist or arm, you’re facing someone who has …
Dec 03, 2019 · The rebooted meaning of this underappreciated punctuation mark is the product of Project Semicolon, a non-profit with a goal of promoting mental health wellness and suicide prevention that was founded by Amy Bleuel in 2013. The semicolon, the project’s logo of sorts, is meant to represent a continuation, specifically of life, not an end.
9.4.2021 · A semicolon is a punctuation mark that connects two complete sentences that are similar. A semicolon is used instead of a pause because two sentences are so closely related …
Project Semicolon, is the nation’s most effective grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for people all over the world experiencing mental health. What We Do …
May 27, 2021 · The #semicolonproject defines itself as "dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are struggling with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury", and "exists to encourage, love...