Finland countdown: Route + Maps - › en › newsAug 2, 2022 · Finland countdown: Route + Maps. It’s the rally everybody remembers - a thrilling rollercoaster for the drivers and the fans. And this week’s Secto Rally Finland (4 - 7 August) could be the trickiest one yet. For more than seven decades, Finland’s smooth forest tracks have been providing fast, furious and stomach-churning action.
WRC Secto Automotive Rally Finland › en › championshipEvent History. Dates back to 1951 when it was launched as a means of deciding the Finnish entries for Rallye Monte-Carlo. It took on the name 1000 Lakes Rally and was included in the calendar for the WRC in its first year in 1973. It has been dominated by Finnish drivers who have won 55 of the 70 editions. Top of the roll of honour are Hannu ...
Etusivu - Secto Rally Finland
sectorallyfinland.fiSecto Rally Finland 2023 reitti on nyt julkaistu! Klassikkopikataipaleet höystävät tuoreempia erikoiskokeita Suomen MM-rallin reippaasti uudistuneella reitillä, joka kattaa laajemman alueen kuin aikoihin. Näyttävä kisan lähtöseremonia Jyväskylän satamassa jo kisaviikon keskiviikkona käynnistää rallin, joka päättyy sunnuntaina ...