Teaching Reading | Scholastic.com
teacher.scholastic.com › reading › indexChecklist for Before Reading Assessment (PDF) Read-Aloud Tips for Parents Bookmark (PDF) Teacher-Student Reading Conference Form (PDF) Laura Robb offers insight into how to instill a love of reading. Play it now (8:37 minutes) Dr. Louisa Moats the steps of setting expectations and motivating readers. Play it now
Guided Reading Programs | Scholastic
www.scholastic.com › en › learnScholastic Guided Reading Programs support a comprehensive reading program by integrating small-group instruction, assessment, and independent practice into your classroom to foster independent learners. With more research-based programs available than ever, Scholastic Guided Reading offers books for grades kindergarten through sixth, leveled by the trusted Fountas & Pinnell system, so you can effectively meet the needs of all your students.
Reading Comprehension - Scholastic
teachables.scholastic.com › teachables › subjectReading Comprehension. Boost fiction and nonfiction comprehension with lesson plans, reading comprehension worksheets, and a variety of teaching resources, including close reading passages, text & questions sets, reading response maps, graphic organizers, favorite books activities, and assessments. Cause and Effect Compare and Contrast Context Clues Drawing Conclusions Fact and Opinion Main Idea and Details Making Inferences Predicting Sequencing Story Elements.