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scala matcher

regex - Pattern matching extract String Scala - Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand ; …
Scala Standard Library 2.13.10 - scala.MatchError
scala.swing - A convenient wrapper around Java's GUI framework called Swing (scala-swing.jar) Automatic imports Identifiers in the scala package and the scala.Predef object are always in …
Using matchers - ScalaTest › user_guide
ScalaTest provides a domain specific language (DSL) for expressing assertions in tests using the word should . Just mix in should.Matchers , like this: import ...
Scala Standard Library 2.13.10 - scala.util.matching.Regex › util › matching
A MatchIterator can also be converted into an iterator that returns objects of type scala.util.matching.Regex.Match , such as is normally returned by findAllMatchIn. Where potential matches overlap, the first possible match is returned, followed by the next match that follows the input consumed by the first match:
How to use ScalaTest Matcher to Test Failure Exception Type? › questions
Mix in the TryValues trait: class ExampleTestSpec extends Matchers with TryValues { ... testableFunction(0).failure.exception shouldBe a ...
ScalaTest › user_guide › using_matchers
Property-based testing Asynchronous testing Using Scala-js Using Inside Using OptionValues Using EitherValues Using PartialFunctionValues Using PrivateMethodTester Using WrapWith Philosophy and design Migrating to 3.0 Using matchers ScalaTest provides a domain specific language (DSL) for expressing assertions in tests using the word should.
Scala Standard Library 2.13.8 - scala.util.matching.Regex.Match$$Match.html
scala.swing - A convenient wrapper around Java's GUI framework called Swing (scala-swing.jar) Automatic imports Identifiers in the scala package and the scala.Predef object are always in …
Scala String matches() method with example - GeeksforGeeks
The matches () method is used to check if the string stated matches the specified regular expression in the argument or not. Method Definition: Boolean matches (String regex) …
Pattern Matching in Scala - Baeldung › scala › p...
Pattern matching is a powerful feature of the Scala language. It allows for more concise and readable code while at the same time providing ...
How to use a Scala match expression like a switch statement › scala › h...
To use a Scala match expression like a Java switch statement, use this approach: // i is an integer i match { case 1 => println("January") ...
ScalaTest provides a domain specific language (DSL) for expressing assertions in tests using the word should. Just mix in should.Matchers, like this: import org.scalatest.flatspec._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should._ class ExampleSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { ...
Matchers › guide
In the following sections you will learn: the different ways of checking the equality of values; to use the matchers for the most common data types in Scala, ...
scala - Test a property value using a matcher - Stack Overflow
scala - Test a property value using a matcher - Stack Overflow Test a property value using a matcher Ask Question Asked 17 days ago Modified 16 days ago Viewed 46 times 3 …
Pattern Matching | Tour of Scala | Scala Documentation › tour › pattern-matching
Tour of Scala Pattern Matching Language Pattern matching is a mechanism for checking a value against a pattern. A successful match can also deconstruct a value into its constituent parts. It is a more powerful version of the switch statement in Java and it can likewise be used in place of a series of if/else statements. Syntax
Scalatest matcher to check the type of an object - gist GitHub › ...
package com.ayosec.wikispray. import org.scalatest.matchers.{Matcher, MatchResult}. trait ExtraMatchers {. def beOfType(cls: Class[_]) = Matcher { obj: Any ...
scala - ScalaTest assert and matchers - Stack Overflow › questions › 35214387
Feb 5, 2016 · Also can take advantage of ScalaTest's TypedCheckTrippleEquals support, but matchers can't. For matchers, so far I only found out one thing matchers can do but not assert, which is Array (1, 2) should equal (Array (1, 2)) succeeds. Not quite sure which is recommended and are there any other stuff matchers can do more? Otherwise happy to use assert.
Scale Matcher
Scale Matcher. This little web application automatically finds scales which match a given chord - in other words, it searches through a large catalogue of known scales and displays all the scales …
Pattern Matching | Tour of Scala | Scala Documentation
Scala’s pattern matching statement is most useful for matching on algebraic types expressed via case classes. Scala also allows the definition of patterns independently of case classes, …
scala - Test a property value using a matcher - Stack Overflow › questions › 74985082
Jan 2, 2023 · scala - Test a property value using a matcher - Stack Overflow Test a property value using a matcher Ask Question Asked 17 days ago Modified 16 days ago Viewed 46 times 3 One can use have to check if property equals to a value. Is there some way to check the property not for equality, but to check if it satisfies a matcher?
Creating Basic Custom Matchers in ScalaTest - Atomic Spin › scalate...
Creating Basic Custom Matchers in ScalaTest ... If you are working in a large Scala codebase, it can sometimes be challenging to reduce the ...
Scala Standard Library 2.13.10 - scala.util.matching.Regex
Scala Standard Library 2.13.8 - scala.util.matching.Regex util. matching Regex Companion object Regex class Regex extends Serializable A regular expression is used to determine whether a …
match Expressions | Scala Book | Scala Documentation
Scala also makes it easy to use a match expression as the body of a method. We haven’t shown how to write Scala methods yet, so as a brief introduction, here’s a method named …
match Expressions | Scala Book | Scala Documentation › overviews › scala-book
Scala also makes it easy to use a match expression as the body of a method. We haven’t shown how to write Scala methods yet, so as a brief introduction, here’s a method named convertBooleanToStringMessage that takes a Boolean value and returns a String: def convertBooleanToStringMessage (bool: Boolean ): String = { if (bool) "true" else "false" }
Pattern Matching | Tour of Scala - Scala Documentation › tour › pat...
Pattern matching is a mechanism for checking a value against a pattern. A successful match can also deconstruct a value into its constituent parts.