Scala Varargs - GeeksforGeeks › scala-varargsMay 28, 2019 · Most of the programming languages provide us variable length argument mobility to a function, Scala is not a exception. it allows us to indicate that the last argument of the function is a variable length argument. it may be repeated multiple times. It allows us to indicate that last argument of a function is a variable length argument, so it may be repeated multiple times. we can pass as many argument as we want.
Introduction to Scala - GeeksforGeeks › introduction-to-scalaSep 24, 2021 · Scala is designed to interpolate with the JRE(Java Runtime Environment). Concurrent & Synchronize Processing: Scala allows the user to write the codes in an immutable manner that makes it easy to apply the parallelism(Synchronize) and concurrency. Run on JVM & Can Execute Java Code: Java and Scala have a common runtime environment. So the user can easily move from Java to Scala.
Scala | Traits - GeeksforGeeks › scala-traitsSep 1, 2022 · Welcome to GeeksforGeeks This is a tutorial of Traits in Scala An abstract class can also inherit traits by using extends keyword. Syntax: abstract class Class_name extends Trait_Name { // code.. } In Scala, one trait can inherit another trait by using a extends keyword. Syntax: trait Trait_Name1 extends Trait_Name2 { // Code.. }
Scala Lists - GeeksforGeeks › scala-listsMar 14, 2019 · In Scala, list is defined under scala.collection.immutable package. A List has various methods to add, prepend, max, min, etc. to enhance the usage of list. Example: import scala.collection.immutable._ object GFG { def main (args:Array [String]) { val mylist1: List [String] = List ("Geeks", "GFG", "GeeksforGeeks", "Geek123")