Scala collect example – Gary Sieling › blog › scala-collect-exampleSep 15, 2015 · Scala collect example. The official scala docs say that collect “builds a new collection by applying a partial function to all elements of this sequence on which the function is defined.”. To understand what this means, it’s helpful to see an example of a partial function used in this way. For instance, we can make a function that returns the original value, but handling different input types.
Scala Collections | Scala Book | Scala Documentation › collections-101If you’re coming to Scala from Java, the best thing you can do is forget about the Java collections classes and use the Scala collections classes as they’re intended to be used. As one author of this book has said, “Speaking from personal experience, when I first started working with Scala I tried to use Java collections classes in my Scala code, and all that did was slow down my progress.”
Scala Language Tutorial => Usage with `collect` › scala › exampleOne very common example in idiomatic Scala is the collect method, defined in the Scala collections library. Here, partial functions allow the common functions of examining the elements of a collection to map and/or filter them to occur in one compact syntax. Example 1 Assuming that we have a square root function defined as partial function:
Scala collect | How does collect Function Work in Scala with ... › scala-collectGiven below are the examples of Scala collect: Example #1. In this example, we are creating a sequence collection of any type. Using the collect function, we are trying to extract the integer, string, and double values from the given collection data structure in the scala. Code: object Main extends App{// Your code here! println("Demo to understand collect function in scala !!") println("Extrat only string values ::")
list - Scala Partition/Collect Usage - Stack Overflow › questions › 4784051Jul 6, 2015 · If you already have a type-safe collection and want to split on some other property of the elements, then things are a bit easier for you: val intList = List (2,7,9,1,6,5,8,2,4,6,2,9,8) val (big,small) = intList partition (_ > 5) //big and small are both now List [Int]s Hope that sums up how the two methods can help you out here! Share Follow