www.savotta.fiFinn-Savotta designs and manufactures high quality functional equipment for demanding professional and recreational use in extreme environments. Skip to content Welcome to our store.
Savotta Jääkäri XL rucksack - › en › productThe carefully thought-out details and extensive MOLLE webbing make this rucksack a truly modular and versatile tool that adapts to the needs of the user. Due to the slim shape, the rucksack is ideal for those who are skiing or hiking in difficult and demanding terrain. In stock 10 pcs. Sold 9 pcs in the last two weeks.
Savotta 906 Reviews - Trailspace › gear › savottaMar 10, 2016 · Savotta is a fairly unknown manufacturer. It makes equipment for the Finnish Defence Force and civilian hikers. Most of the gear is rugged and hardwearing. This pack is no exception. The Savotta 906 is a large (around 90 litre) external frame pack. It weighs in at about 3 kg. Being modelled on a similar military version it can withstand very hard use.
Savotta | Osta verkosta | Partioaitta® › tuotemerkit › savottaSavotta 906 Teräsputkirinkat olivat 60-luvulla suuressa suosiossa ja Savotta oli kehityksessä mukana. Yritys laajensi omaa osaamistaan siten, että kaikki rinkkojen telineet pystyttiin valmistamaan itse. 80-luvulla oma tuotekehitys ja huikea osaaminen alkoi kantaa hedelmää, kun Savotta 906 –rinkka voitti Tekniikan Maailma-lehden testin.