Sasky - Edunation › sasky%EF%BF%BCSasky group includes 9 different vocational education institutes such as the business institute in Ikaalinen, the home economics and social work institute in Karku, and the service industry institute in Tampere. Education is given in fields such as arts and humanities, business, agriculture, and forestry as well as health and welfare among others.
Tampere College of Services | Sasky › tampere-college-of-servicesTampere College of Services Baker-confectioner. A baker-confectioner is a baking professional who makes for example bread, cakes, jelly rolls, pastries and biscuits. The confectioner’s tasks may also include the selling of the products. The work is largely manual, but it also includes the use of different equipment.
https://moodle.sasky.fiTämä on Moodle -oppimisalusta SASKY koulutuskuntayhtymän oppilaitosten käyttöön. Uudet opiskelijat saavat käyttäjätunnuksensa vastuuopettajan kautta.