Sanna Marin
https://sannamarin.netPuheenvuoro eduskunnan lähetekeskustelussa 1.4.2020 ; Sanna Marin · @MarinSanna · 213 ; Yle Uutiset · @yleuutiset · 10 ; Sosialidemokraatit · @Demarit · 19.
Sanna Marin - Wikipedia › wiki › Sanna_MarinSanna Mirella Marin is a Finnish politician who has been serving as the Prime Minister of Finland since 2019. A member of the Social Democratic Party of Finland, she has been a Member of Parliament since 2015. Following Antti Rinne's resignation in the wake of the postal strike controversy, Marin was selected as Prime Minister on 8 December 2019. Taking office at the age of 34, she is the youngest person to hold the office in Finnish history, as well as the world's fourth-youngest state leader a
Sanna Marin - uusimmat sisällöt – › aihe › tEU-huippukokoukseen osallistuva pääministeri Sanna Marin kommentoi tietoja, joiden mukaan Turkki saattaisi ratifioida Suomen, muttei Ruotsin Nato-jäsenyyttä. Marin kommentoi myös Venäjän mahdollista taivuttelua vetäytymään Ukrainasta.