El templo se construyó con materiales nobles, como son el mármol, el granito y el travertino, mientras que los acabados se realizaron con estuco y revoco. Se ...
Estructura y Materiales. El muro circular de la Cella se articula con pilastras que se corresponden con las columnas del pórtico; con las alternancias de las ...
Montorio, Roma, Italia Introducción La obra fue financiada por los reyes católicos, Isabel de Castilla y Fernando de Aragón, como monumento conmemorativo del martirio de San pedro. Donato Bramante es el máximo exponente del clasicismo arquitectónico del Alto renacimiento.
Figure 1. The Tempietto, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome (Loth) One of the most influential of all Italian Renaissance buildings is perhaps the most diminutive and discreetly located. On Rome’s Janiculum Hill, in the courtyard of the monastery of S. Pietro in Montorio, is a tiny domed structure, popularly known as the Tempietto.
The actual façade is very simple, in high-quality limestone ashlar. There are two storeys, separated by a projecting cornice and with the second storey slightly ...
Jul 4, 2022 · Título: San Pietro in Montorio Autor: Donato d’Angelo Bramante Cronología: 1502-1510 Estilo: Renacimiento Materiales: Granito, mármol y travertino, con acabados de estuco y revoco Ubicación: Academia de los españoles, Roma. Dimensiones: 10 metros de diámetro La Cámara del Arte julio 4, 2022 No Comments
Deutsch: San Pietro in Montorio (Rom); Tempietto des Bramante ... share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute ...
The main material used in the construction was travertine, marble was used for decoration. From above the building is crowned with a dome. Internal diameter is ...
Jan 6, 2014 · Discover Tempietto at San Pietro in Montorio in Rome, Italy: More sculpture than building, this architecturally significant temple was built on the spot of Saint Peter's crucifixion.
San Pietro in Montorio Architect: Donato Bramante Year: 1502 Location: Montorio, Rome, Italy Architect Donato Bramante Built in 1502 Location Montorio, Rome, Italy Some parts of this article have been translated using Google’s translation engine.
San Pietro in Montorio (Saint Peter on the Golden Mountain) is a church in Rome, Italy, which includes in its courtyard the Tempietto, a small commemorative martyrium (tomb) built by Donato Bramante . History [ edit]