Sampo - Wikipedia › wiki › SampoThe Sampo is a pivotal element of the plot of the Finnish epic poem Kalevala, compiled in 1835 (and expanded in 1849) by Elias Lönnrot based on Finnish oral tradition . In the expanded second version of the poem, the Sampo is forged by Ilmarinen, a legendary smith, to fulfill a task set by the witch queen of Pohjola, Louhi, in return for her ...
Etusivu | Sampo
https://www.sampolehti.fi16.1.2022 · Karstulalainen Monica Paajanen, 47, vaihtoi lastenhoidon CNC-koneistukseen: "En ollut koskaan nähnyt sorvia". 20.9.2021 5:30. Uusimmat. Palvelutalon asukkaan mikrossa kärysi vessapaperi Saarijärvellä – automaattinen palohälytys hoiti tehtävänsä erinomaisesti 28.9.2021 8:42. Tuohtunut Facebook-päivitys kävi kalliiksi Saarijärvellä ...
Sampo - Wikipedia Finnish mythology, the Sampo is a magical device or object described in many different ways that was constructed by the blacksmith Ilmarinen and that brought riches and good fortune to its holder (akin to the horn of plenty[cornucopia] of Greek mythology). When the Sampo was stolen, Ilmarinen's homeland fell upon hard times. He sent an expedition to retrieve it, but in the ensuing battle it was …
Sampo – Nordic Insurance Group |
www.sampo.comSampo Group. Sampo is a Nordic insurance group, which is made up of the parent company Sampo plc and its subsidiaries If P&C, Topdanmark, Hastings and Mandatum. The group companies have insurance operations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and the UK. Next event.
Sampo – Nordic Insurance Group |
https://www.sampo.comSampo is a Nordic insurance group, which is made up of the parent company Sampo plc and its subsidiaries If P&C, Topdanmark, Hastings and Mandatum. The group companies have insurance operations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia …
Sampo (Kalevala) – Wikipedia eli kirjokansi on suomalaisessa mytologiassa ihmeellinen kone tai esine, kosintalahja ja sotasaalis, joka liittyy usein Pohjolaan. Sampo on tunnettu erityisesti suomalaisesta kansanrunoudesta kootusta Kalevala-eepoksesta, jossa sillä on tärkeä rooli. Eri taruissa sampo on erilainen, sillä on myös useita nimityksiä ja ilmiasuja. Kalevalassa käytetyissä sampotaruissa sampo on ihme…
Sampo Group | › about-us › sampo-groupSampo Group is a significant Nordic insurance group and one of the most valuable companies listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Sampo plc was listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange (Nasdaq Helsinki) in 1988. The group companies have insurance operations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and the United Kingdom.
SAMPO - Finnish myth › FINNISHMYTH › SampoSampo has been seen as a complex mill making salt, food and money. In the old Finnish poems a synonym is often used with the word Sampo: Kirjokansi, which means the night sky full of stars. This has led to a theory that Sampo has first of all a cosmic aspect. Sampo could be the cosmic center pole or a tree attached to the Pole Star.