SAMK - Satakunta University of Applied Sciences › enMar 3, 2023 · SAMK - Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Apply to SAMK – The best education in Finland We would like to tell you why it is a good idea to come to Finland to study. INFO for new students starting in August 2023 Services supporting students’ well-being are available during the full course of your studies.
Loki – Guides in English - SAMK › help › lokiLoki Loki is the study management system of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. In Loki the offered study curricula is built and deployed through various desktops. Students desktop (PAKKI) - Through this desktop the students can view and modify their PSP, enrol to courses, enrol to the semester and update their personal information.
SAMK - Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu
www.samk.fiSAMK - Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Tarjolla Suomen laadukkainta opetusta! SAMKista valmistuneet ovat parhaiten työllistyneiden joukossa pääkaupunkiseudun ulkopuolisista ammattikorkeakouluista. UUDEN OPISKELIJAN INFO, elokuu 2023 Löydä tekijä – suora linja yrityksille 02 623 4800 Katso avoimet työpaikat SAMKissa Viimeisimmät uutiset