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sam.govAs of June 23, 2023, users can go into their registration in and select from the most recent socio-economic categories. May 26. Changes to the Purpose of Registration (POR) Page in Effective May 26, 2023, has updated the way you select your purpose of registration. When you start a new entity registration or update an ...
SAMK - Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu
www.samk.fiAug 14, 2023 · SAMK-salasanan asetus pankkitunnuksilla; ARC (sis. menettelyohjeet) eSAMK portal; EXAM (tenttiakvaario) Finna; HILL; Into (henkilökunnan intra) Loki; Moodle; Office365-palvelut; Oiva (opiskelijaintra) Opintojaksopalaute; Opinto-opas; SAMK-salasanan vaihtaminen; ServiceDesk; Sähköinen asiointi; TimeEdit; TWeb asianhallinta; Wihi; Workseed ...
How to log in Moodle - SAMK › wp-content › uploadsSAMK Yhteistyö Moodle / SAMK Collaboration Moodle: account confirmation Inbox x Ylläpito Käyttäjä (via SAMK Collaboration Moodle) <> to me Hi Antti Samk, 11:04 AM (3 hours ago) A new account has been requested at 'SAMK Yhteistyö Moodle / SAMK Collaboration Moodle' using your email address.