Possessives of Names Ending in “S”: Chris’ or Chris’s? Harris ...
editorsmanual.com › articles › possessives-of-namesApr 03, 2020 · To form the plural, add an s or es: the Smiths, the Dalys, the Patels, the Harrises, the Dickenses, the Joneses. Then, to form the possessive of this plural, simply add an apostrophe after the s, as you would for any other plural word. Examples the Patels’ cats the Dalys’ rats the Harrises’ bats the Joneses’ hats Caution
How to Use 's and s' Correctly - Synonym
When the word ends in an es to make it plural, the same rule applies, such as in the actresses’ union. If the regular noun ends in an s, it requires a different way to make it plural. For example, axis becomes axes and patch becomes patches. The es is added when the singular noun ends in s or a double s, the letter x, a ch ending or sh ending.
meaning - What is the difference between S' and 'S? - English ...
ell.stackexchange.com › questions › 30133Jul 28, 2014 · "'s" is for single specified object, for instance, "Ben's dream", could mean, "the dream of Ben", or, it could be a abbreviation of "is", in American English, likewise, "Jack's dead!", which is actually meaning that Jack is dead.