Grants and Loans | USDA › topics › farmingFSA makes direct and guaranteed farm ownership and operating loans to family-size farmers and ranchers who cannot obtain commercial credit from a bank, Farm Credit System institution, or other lender. FSA loans can be used to purchase land, livestock, equipment, feed, seed, and supplies.
Rural Development
www.rd.usda.govThis historic act provides funding to USDA Rural Development to help eligible entities purchase renewable energy and zero-emission systems and make energy-efficiency improvements that will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Rural Development
https://www.rd.usda.govVerkkoThis comprehensive resource provides access to all rural USDA documents, including directives regulations and environmental studies. /resources. Resource Guides. ... As …
Eligibility › eligibilityAlso, the home to be purchased must be located in an eligible rural area as defined by USDA. To learn more about USDA home loan programs and how to apply for a USDA loan, click on one of the USDA Loan program links above and then select the Loan Program Basics link for the selected program.