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runs out

Run out Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › r...
The meaning of RUN OUT is to come to an end : expire. How to use run out in a sentence.
Run out of - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Exhaust a supply or quantity of, as in We're about to run out of coffee and sugar. This expression, dating from about 1700, can be used both literally and figuratively. Thus run out of gas may mean …
Runs out of - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Exhaust a supply or quantity of, as in We're about to run out of coffee and sugar. This expression, dating from about 1700, can be used both literally and figuratively. Thus run out of gas may …
run out suomeksi - (englanti-suomi) › search
Määritelmät. Verbit. (intransitive, idiomatic) To use up; to consume all of something. (intransitive) To expire, to come to an end.
RUNS OUT Synonyms: 40 Synonyms & Antonyms for RUNS OUT ... › browse › runs out
synonyms for runs out Compare Synonyms depart exhaust expire finish go lose tire waste weaken be cleaned out be out of cease close come to a close dissipate dry up end give out have no more have none left peter out stop terminate waste away wear out antonyms for runs out MOST RELEVANT bear begin commence create invigorate keep maintain refresh save
run out - Longman Dictionary › run-out
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishrun out phrasal verb1 a) FINISH/USE ALL OF somethingto use all of something and not have any more left I've ...
RUN OUT | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › run...
to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left: I've run out of milk/money/ideas/patience. "Do you have any milk?" "Sorry, ...
Run out Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › run out
run out: [verb] to come to an end : expire. to become exhausted or used up.
Run out - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › run out
use up all one's strength and energy and stop working. synonyms: conk out, peter out, poop out, run down · fatigue, jade, pall, tire, weary ; exhaust the supply ...
RUN OUT -PAKOHUONEET - Crazy Viihdekeskus Tampere
RUN OUT. Tampereen keskustassa sijaitsevassa Run Outissa on kolme erilaista ja elämyksellistä pakohuonetta: Salaisuuksien Kammio, Orpokoti sekä Dark Room. Kerää tiimi kasaan ja selvitä …
Runs out 7 letters - 7 Little Words › runs-out-7-letters-7
Aug 26, 2021 · Evergreen coniferous tree 7 Little Words. Exercise routine 7 Little Words. Runs out 7 Little Words. Long-ago flyer 7 Little Words. Eastern American region 7 Little Words. In a harsh discordant way 7 Little Words. Going from gig to gig 7 Little Words. Or you may find it easier to make another search for another clue. Select the category (optional)
Run out Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster out
Definition of run out. intransitive verb. 1 a : to come to an end : expire time ran out. b : to become exhausted or used up the gasoline ran out. 2 : to jut out. transitive verb. 1 a : to finish out (a …
Run-out - Wikipedia
Run-out or runout is an inaccuracy of rotating mechanical systems, specifically that the tool or shaft does not rotate exactly in line with the main axis. For example; when drilling, run-out will result in a larger hole than the drill's nominal diameter due to the drill being rotated eccentrically (off axis … Näytä lisää
RUNS OUT Synonyms: 40 Synonyms & Antonyms for … out
Find 40 ways to say RUNS OUT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Runs out - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To hasten on foot to an exterior or distant place: Let's run out to the lake and swim. 2. To make a brief trip to fetch or buy something, especially by car: I'll run out for some more beer.
run out ​Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary › ...
Definition of RUN OUT (phrasal verb): use all of something; reach end of available supply; time: reach end of available amount; pen: have no more ...
Run Out pakohuoneet Tampereella ja Raumalla. | Escape ...
Run Out - mielenkiintoiset ja haastavat pakohuoneet Tampereella, Raumalla ja Seinäjoella. Kerää tiimi kasaan ja ota haaste vastaan!
Sanan run out käännös englanti-suomi - Ilmainen SANAKIRJA › englanti-suomi
loppuaVetyvarannot eivät voi loppua kesken, sillä vety on maailmankaikkeuden yleisin alkuaine. 'Supplies' cannot run out; it is the most abundant element in ...
RUN OUT | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary
B2. If a supply of something runs out, all of it has been used or it is completely finished: The milk has run out. My patience is beginning to run out. If a document or official agreement runs out, …
Runs out Crossword Clue |
Answers for Runs out crossword clue, 5 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Find clues for Runs out or …
RUN OUT | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › dictionary › english
run out definition: 1. to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left: 2. If a supply of…. Learn more.
Run Out pakohuoneet Tampereella ja Raumalla. | Escape rooms, …
Run Out - mielenkiintoiset ja haastavat pakohuoneet Tampereella, Raumalla ja Seinäjoella. Kerää tiimi kasaan ja ota haaste vastaan! Teillä on tunti aikaa ratkaista ongelmat ja päästä ulos!
34 Synonyms & Antonyms of RUNS OUT | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus › thesaurus › runs out
Synonyms for RUNS OUT: casts out, dismisses, ejects, eliminates, evicts, excludes, expels, expulses, kicks out, ousts
Run out definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › r...
run out · 1. phrasal verb B1. If you run out of something, you have no more of it left. They have run out of ideas. [VERB PARTICLE + of] · 2. to run out of steam.