About Steiner
www.rudolfsteiner.org › aboutChild of Europe. Rudolf Steiner was born in 1861 into the old and heterogeneous Austro-Hungarian Empire, the son of parents who loved their country backgrounds. His father had entered into the growing railway system, high tech of the 1860s, and was rather a free-thinker in a still traditional and religious environment.
Rudolf Steiner on the internet
www.rudolfsteiner.orgRudolf Steiner may be the most important cultural figure who is unknown even to very well-informed people. For those who do know him, he is among the most penetrating, practical, and far-reaching researcher-thinkers of the last thousand years. Why does that matter? Because of where we human beings are standing today.
Rudolf Steiner - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rudolf_SteinerRudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (27 or 25 February 1861 [1] – 30 March 1925) was an Austrian occultist, [8] social reformer, architect, esotericist, [9] [10] and claimed clairvoyant. [11] [12] Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published works including The Philosophy of Freedom.
Wilmaan kirjautuminen - Wilma - Helsingin Rudolf Steiner -koulu
rudolfsteinerkoulu.inschool.fiMikä Wilma on? Wilma on oppilaitoksen hallinto-ohjelman www-liittymä. Tämän Wilma-lisenssin omistaa Helsingin Rudolf Steiner -koulu. Opiskelijat valitsevat Wilmassa kursseja, seuraavat suorituksiaan, lukevat tiedotteita ja viestivät opettajien kanssa. Opettajat syöttävät Wilman kautta arvioinnit ja poissaolot, päivittävät henkilötietojaan ja viestivät opiskelijoiden ja huoltajien kanssa.
Rudolf Steiner | Austrian spiritualist | Britannica
www.britannica.com › biography › Rudolf-SteinerMarch 30, 1925 (aged 64) Switzerland. Subjects Of Study: anthroposophy. See all related content →. Rudolf Steiner, (born February 27, 1861, Kraljević, Austria—died March 30, 1925, Dornach, Switzerland), Austrian-born spiritualist, lecturer, and founder of anthroposophy, a movement based on the notion that there is a spiritual world comprehensible to pure thought but accessible only to the highest faculties of mental knowledge.