Get a price | Royal Mail Group Ltd › price-finderThe price you pay to send letters and parcels within the UK depends on: the size and weight of your item when you want your item to arrive whether you want to track your item or get confirmation of delivery. Our UK services cover the Highlands and Islands, Scilly Isles and the Isle of Man. Next 2 What are you sending? 3 What size is your parcel?
Royal Mail Click & Drop
parcel.royalmail.comSimply enter a few details about your letter or parcel, choose a delivery option and then print your postage. You can also get your postage printed for you by showing the provided code on your mobile device in a Royal Mail Delivery Office. *Savings based on online parcel prices compared to over-the-counter prices. Excludes International Economy.
Royal Mail prices | Royal Mail › current-postage-pricesPrices for parcels with postage paid through Royal Mail Click & Drop, Royal Mail Online postage and online channels such as eBay, Amazon and PayPal are found in the Royal Mail online price guide. This handy guide contains online prices for our UK and International parcels including Standard, Signed and Guaranteed delivery services.