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revenue meaning in tamil

Revenue meaning in Tamil | தமிழில் எளிதான அர்த்தம் › r...
Revenue meaning in Tamil. 1. 'Revenue' என்பது வரி மூலம் அரசு பெறும் வழக்கமான வருவாய். 2. வணிக ...
revenue in Tamil - English-Tamil Dictionary | Glosbe
revenue in Tamil English-Tamil dictionary revenue noun + grammar The income returned by an investment +17 definitions translations revenue + Add வருவாய் Tamil Technical …
revenue meaning in tamil - Kitkatwords › revenue-mea...
revenue Definitions and meaning in English. noun: the entire amount of income before any deductions are made; government income due to taxation; income; profit ...
revenue - Tamil Meaning - revenue Meaning in Tamil at …
revenue Meaning in Tamil ( revenue வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்) Noun: வருமானம், People Also Search: revenue collector revenue enhancement revenue …
REVENUE Meaning in Tamil › translation › english-tamil
REVENUE Meaning in Tamil REVENUE Meaning in Tamil வருவாய் revenue வருமானம் வருவாய்த்துறை வருமானத்தை இறைவரித் Report an error Examples of using Revenue in a sentence and their translations This is called revenue expenditure. இவையெல்ல் ஆம் revenue expenditure எனப்படும். In the first year Microsoft's revenue was just 16 thousand dollars.
Revenue Meaning In Tamil - தமிழ் பொருள் விளக்கம் › en-ta
"Revenue" Meaning In Tamil · Revenue. ♪ : /ˈrevəˌn(y)o͞o/. சொற்றொடர் : -. வருகை; சுங்க அதிகாரி. பெயரடை : adjective.
REVENUE tamil meaning/sasikumar - YouTube › watch
TAMIL MEANING ENGLISH WORDS. REVENUE tamil meaning/sasikumar. 5,803 views5.8K views. Feb 25, 2020. 80. Dislike. Share. Save.
REVENUE in Tamil? How to use REVENUE in Tamil. Learn Tamil › Tamil › REVENUE
Sep 23, 2022 · Now let's learn how to say REVENUE in Tamil language. REVENUE translate to Tamil meanings: வருவாய் . In other words, வருவாய் in Tamil is REVENUE in English.
List of revenue divisions of Tamil Nadu - Wikipedia
315 riviä · List of Revenue Divisions of Tamil Nadu provides the Revenue divisions and Taluks of Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. These administrative units are classified based on the …
revenue meaning in Tamil - Tezpatrika › dictionary
Know revenue meaning in tamil. revenue word meaning with their sentences, usage, snynonyms, antonyms and related word meaning.
REVENUES Meaning in Tamil - Tamil Translation
REVENUESMeaning in Tamil Revenues வருவாய revenueearningsincome revenues revenues LOADING Examples of using Revenuesin a sentence and their translations KPMG 2008 …
revenues - Meaning in Tamil › revenues-meaning-in-tamil
In accounting, revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods and services related to the primary operations of the business. Commercial revenue may also be referred to as sales or as turnover. Some companies receive revenue from interest, royalties, or other fees.
REVENUE in Tamil? How to use REVENUE in Tamil. Learn …
23.9.2022 · Conclusion on REVENUE in Tamil. Now that you have learned and understood the common ways of saying REVENUE in Tamil is "வருவாய்", it's time to learn how to say …
revenue - Tamil Meaning - revenue Meaning in Tamil at ... › meaning-in-tamil › revenue
revenue's Usage Examples: The consistent aim of the British authorities has been to establish private property in the soil, so far as is consistent with the punctual payment of the revenue. Macao was administratively united to Portuguese Timor till 1896, and still pays a contribution to the revenue.
Revenue meaning in Tamil | தமிழில் எளிதான ...
1.2.2022 · Revenue meaning in Tamil: இக்கட்டுரையில் ‘Revenue’ என்ற ஆங்கிலச் சொல்லின் பொருள் தமிழில் அதன் …
English to Tamil Meaning of revenue › englis...
This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Tamil to English translation, English to Tamil translation. It has more than 500,000 word meaning and is still ...
revenue - Meaning in Tamil › revenue-meaning-in-tamil
In accounting, revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods and services related to the primary operations of the business. Commercial revenue may also be referred to as sales or as turnover. Some companies receive revenue from interest, royalties, or other fees.
revenue - Meaning in Tamil
In accounting, revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods and services related to the primary operations of the business. Commercial revenue may also be referred to …
Revenue in Tamil Meaning - Tamil Dictionary › sear...
Tamil Meaning of Revenue - Tamil to English Dictionary with Tamil Meanings, Tamil Vocabulary - Searchable Tamil Dictionary.
Revenue meaning in Tamil | தமிழில் எளிதான அர்த்தம் | அகராதி › revenue-meaning-in-tamil
Feb 01, 2022 · Revenue meaning in Tamil 1. ‘Revenue’ என்பது வரி மூலம் அரசு பெறும் வழக்கமான வருவாய். 2. வணிக நடவடிக்கைகளால் நிறுவனம் பெறும் வழக்கமான வருமானம் ஆங்கிலத்தில் ‘Revenue’ எனப்படும். Revenue- தமிழ் பொருள் வருவாய் வருமானம் Revenue-Example ‘Revenue’ என்ற சொல் ‘noun’ (பெயர், பெயர்ச்சொல்) ஆக செயல்படுகிறது.
revenue Meaning in Tamil - › english-tamil › revenue
revenue meaning in Tamil: வர௠வாய௠, Income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature | Know More definition of ...
Meanings of revenue in Tamil - Shabdkosh › revenue...
"Revenue" may refer to income in general, or it may refer to the amount, in a monetary unit, earned during a period of time, as in "Last year, Company X had ...
revenue Tamil Dictionary Meaning - அகராதிஅகராதி/revenue
revenue meaning in tamil is வருமானம் revenue meaning in tamil with example revenue tamil meaning and more example for revenue will be given in tamil. Indian primary revenue is …
revenues - Meaning in Tamil
In accounting, revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods and services related to the primary operations of the business. Commercial revenue may also be referred to …
REVENUE Meaning in Tamil
REVENUE Meaning in Tamil REVENUE Meaning in Tamil வருவாய் revenue வருமானம் வருவாய்த்துறை வருமானத்தை இறைவரித் Report an error Examples of …