Security Info Replacement - Microsoft Community › en-us › outlook_comSecurity Info Replacement. Security Info Replacement. (email address removed)started a process to replace all of the security info for the Microsoft account (hotmail address removed)If this was you, please disregard the rest of this email. If this wasn't you, a malicious user might know your password and is trying to gain access to your account. They were unable to access your account, but you must still cancel their request and change your password.
Microsoft account security info & verification codes › en-us › account-billingYou don't need to remove old security info unless there is an account security risk (e.g. someone else has access to your old mailbox). If you do need to replace your security info, make sure you add new info first. If you request removal of all security info in your account, the info doesn’t actually change for 30 days. During this time, we cannot accept further changes or additions to security settings or billing info.
Microsoft account security info & verification codes › en-usYou don't need to remove old security info unless there is an account security risk (e.g. someone else has access to your old mailbox). If you do need to replace your security info, make sure you add new info first. If you request removal of all security info in your account, the info doesn’t actually change for 30 days. During this time, we cannot accept further changes or additions to security settings or billing info.