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reddit turkey

r/Türkiye Özgür Topluluğu - r/Turkiye Free Community - Reddit › r › Turkiye
r/Turkiye: Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili haber ve sohbet ortamıdır. - This subreddit is a platform for news and conversation about Türkiye.
Best Turkey News Posts - Reddit › turkey_news
Find the best posts and communities about Turkey news on Reddit.
My Istanbul trip (as well as opinion of Turkey in ……
The vibe of Istanbul and its districts. Istanbul is very fascinating seeing the balance of old and new. As much as I loved …
Turkish News and Discussion - Reddit - Dive into anything
Verkkor/Turkey: This subreddit is for news and discussion about Turkey. Posts both in English and Turkish are welcome. Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili …
TurkeyTravel - Reddit
Verkkor/TurkeyTravel: Are you planning a trip to Turkey and are looking for recommendations? Then you have come to the correct place! Photos, videos …
Turkish Language - Reddit › turkish
Turkish Language. r/turkish. Turkish language. 29.1K members • 43 online. Join.
Best Turkey Posts - Reddit
VerkkoBu subreddit, Türkiye ile ilgili sorular, tartışmalar ve haberler içindir. Sadece Türkçe ve İngilizce içerikler kabul edilir. - This subreddit is for questions, discussions and news …
Best Turkey-Sweden Relations Posts - Reddit › turkey_sw...
Find the best posts and communities about Turkey-Sweden relations on Reddit.
r/Türkiye Özgür Topluluğu - r/Turkiye Free Community › Turkiye
r/Turkiye: Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili haber ve sohbet ortamıdır. - This subreddit is a platform for news and conversation about Türkiye.
Turkish News and Discussion - Reddit › r › Turkey
This subreddit is for news and discussion about Turkey. Posts both in English and Turkish are welcome. Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili haber ve sohbet ortamıdır. Türkçe veya İngilizce yazabilirsiniz. One Warning. After the warning, increasing ban lengths from 1, 7, and 30 days after each infraction. Permanent ban after repetitive refusal ...
Turkish News and Discussion - Reddit › Turkey
r/Turkey: This subreddit is for news and discussion about Turkey. Posts both in English and Turkish are welcome. Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili …
Reddit Temporarily Blocked in Turkey | PCMag
Reddit was briefly blocked in Turkey over the weekend. The Turkish government on Nov. 13 posted a cryptic message on one of its sites, saying that it had …
My Istanbul trip (as well as opinion of Turkey in ... - Reddit › r › Turkey
Making Turkey my 24th country on the travel list, it was definitely the most interesting and wholesome of all the countries I’ve visited. Living near a city called Dearborn, Michigan (which is one of the largest concentrations of Muslims outside of the Middle East) I had seen some cultural aspects of Lebanese (both Christian and Muslim ...
index - Turkey - Reddit › r › Turkey
r/Turkey: This subreddit is for news and discussion about Turkiye. Posts both in English and Turkish are welcome. Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili …
How bad is it in Turkey ? : r/Turkey - Reddit
VerkkoNevarkyy • 2 yr. ago. Its pretty bad. Right now most of the people probably spend 90% of their income on bare necessities (no clothes,only rent and food).And even that is …
Turkey blocks access to Reddit | World News | Inshorts
Turkey blocks access to Reddit shortby Anupama K/ 06:53 pmon 15 Nov 2015,Sunday Turkey has blocked social media site Reddit under the country's …
Best Turkish Posts - Reddit › turkish
Find the best posts and communities about Turkish on Reddit. ... I started learning turkish because of my boyfriend, our relationship has grown during this ...
index - Turkey - Reddit
VerkkoTurkish Subreddits. Click to View Full List. r/Istanbul; r/Izmir; r/Turkish Learning; r/Turkish; r/Turkish Football; r/Fenerbahce SK; r/Galatasaray; r/Besiktas; r/Motosiklet; …
Best Turkey Posts - Reddit › turkey
Find the best posts and communities about Turkey on Reddit. ... World: what's wrong with Turkish society why they are such a racist to immigrants/refugees ...
r/Türkiye Özgür Topluluğu - r/Turkiye Free Community - Reddit
Verkko8 comments. Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili haber ve sohbet ortamıdır. - This subreddit is a platform for news and conversation about Türkiye.
How "western" is Turkey? Are majority of Turks ……
VerkkoTurkey was shitty back then, it is shitty now, people are just more aware of how shitty it actually is thanks to internet and TV, which is why Erdogan is trying so hard to control those and succeeds fairly well at it so now …
TurkeyTravel - Reddit › TurkeyTra...
r/TurkeyTravel: Subreddit for the people who are planning a trip to Turkey and are looking for tips and recommendations from other travelers who …
Reddit Is Stunned By The Price Of A Popeyes Thanksgiving Turkey › 1080626 › reddit-is-stunned-by-the
Jan 24, 2023 · The turkey is rubbed with various Louisiana spices including paprika, garlic, and red pepper. It's available online through The Cajun Fix and feeds between eight and 12 people, which, for 10 guests, works out to around $9.50 per head.
Places to visit in Turkey : r/travel - Reddit › ubfn6k › places_to_visit_in_turkey
Planning on visiting Turkey for 2 weeks in May. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of things to do, so looking for recommendations in order to prioritize. Places I'm looking into so far: Cappadocia (2 days) Ephesus (2 days) Pamukkale (1 day) Istanbul (6 days) Some other places I'm considering if I can squeeze them in : Oludeniz.