Financial Planning, Personal Finance, Frugality, Money, and ... › FinancialPla...r/FinancialPlanning: Discuss and ask questions about personal finances, budgeting, income, retirement plans, insurance, investing, and frugality.
Investing 101 : r/personalfinance - reddit › r › personalfinanceTwo best options for retirement are usually roth IRA and an employee-sponsored plan if they have a match. If there is a match, contribute enough to get the maximum match. For investments, just invest in a Vanguard index fund such as VFINX. If you still have extra investable money after that open an after-tax account and do the same.
investing - personalfinance - reddit › r › personalfinanceWhen your IRA has grown to a larger size, you may consider switching to a three-fund portfolio approach to save on costs, but the savings are only about 0.1% per year ($10 per year per $10,000 invested). For most people, it's probably not worth the effort until you have at least $30,000 or even $50,000 invested overall.
Personal Finance - reddit › r › personalfinanceHis parents offered us $1000, my family has offered nothing, so we would be paying for it ourselves. Despite doing everything I can to have the wedding I want at the cheapest possible price, I no longer think we can do it without going into debt. Right now my estimated all-in (with tips and such) is just under $20k.
index - personalfinance - reddit › r › personalfinanceRegional Subreddits. /r/personalfinance is not dedicated to any one country, but the wiki is somewhat focused on the US. We have an index of subreddits focused on other countries and regions including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.