Daily HD Satellite Map | Zoom Earth
zoom.earth › maps › dailyExplore beautiful interactive weather forecast maps of wind speed, pressure, humidity, and temperature. Sources and Acknowledgements. Live weather images are updated every 10 minutes from NOAA GOES and JMA Himawari-8 geostationary satellites. EUMETSAT Meteosat images are updated every 15 minutes. City lights at night are not real-time.
Real-time Satellite Tracker 3D (ISS Tracker)
satellitetracker.netReal-time Satellite Tracker 3D (ISS Tracker) A real-time satellite tracker in 3D. Especially made to enjoy the view from the International Space Station in real-time. Everything that is visualized like earth, sun and moon is in original scale and at the exact position in space at this time in HD. (Real-time location tracking and predictions based on latitude and altitude) You can see or track live the position of the ISS, interactive on the map online in any browser.
The World in Real-Time | NESDIS
www.nesdis.noaa.gov › real-time-imageryNOAA's two operational geostationary environmental satellites cover the western Pacific Ocean to the eastern Atlantic Ocean, while the operational polar-orbiting satellite circles the earth, providing coverage of the entire globe each day. The web map opens with GOES GeoColor day and night imagery. Select also infrared, water vapor, or the latest JPSS VIIRS daytime global map.