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rainier grimaldi de monaco

Rainier III, prince de Monaco - Britannica School › levels › article
He was the son of Prince Pierre, count de Polignac, and Princess Charlotte de Monaco, daughter of Louis II, prince de Monaco. Rainier became a Grimaldi ...
Rainier II, Lord of Monaco - Wikipedia,_Lord_of_Monaco
Rainier II, Lord of Monaco (1350–1407), was the monarch of Monaco from June 29, 1352 to August 15, 1357. He was the son of Charles I, Lord of Monaco, and Lucchina Spinola.He ruled jointly with his father Charles I, Lord of Monaco, his father's uncle Antonio, Lord of Monaco and his brother Gabriele, Lord of Monaco.He yielded Monaco to the besieging Genoese for 20,000 fl. …
Rainier III – Wikipedia
Rainier III – Wikipedia Rainier III Ruhtinas Rainier III ( Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi; 31. toukokuuta 1923 – 6. huhtikuuta 2005) oli Monacon ruhtinas vuodesta 1949 aina kuolemaansa saakka.
Rainier III - Wikipedia › wiki › Rainier_III
Ruhtinas Rainier III (Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi; 31. toukokuuta 1923 – 6. huhtikuuta 2005) oli Monacon ruhtinas vuodesta 1949 aina ...
Rainier III, prince de Monaco - Britannica › biography
Rainier III, prince de Monaco, original name Rainier-Louis-Henri-Maxence-Bertrand de Grimaldi, (born May 31, 1923, Monaco—died April 6, 2005, Monaco), ...
Why is Prince Albert of Monaco not king?
What is Prince Rainier called? Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi was born on May 31, 1923 in Monaco, son of Princess Charlotte of Monaco and the prince Pierre, count of Polignac. ... Nicknamed the prince builder, Rainier laying the first stone of the Fontvieille district, built on the sea, in June 1981.
Rainier III. (Monaco) – Wikipedia
Rainier wurde auf zwei englische Internate geschickt, zunächst nach St. Leonards-on-Sea in der Nähe von Hastings in England, anschließend nach Stowe, einer prestigeträchtigen englischen Privatschule in Buckinghamshire. Von dort wechselte er an das Institut Le Rosey, in Rolle und Gstaad (Schweiz). Nach der Abschlussprüfung in Le Rosey im Sommer 1939 studierte er zunächst an der …
Monacon kuninkaallisilla uskomaton epäonni - Iltalehti › Viihde › Kuninkaalliset
Monacon kuninkaallisten eli Grimaldien suvun historia on ... Hollywood-tähti Grace Kelly rakastui Monacon ruhtinas Rainier III:een. AOP ...
The House of Grimaldi: Rainier III- The Builder Prince of Monaco › the-h...
Prince Rainier III was one of those outstanding rulers whose reign has completely changed the image of Monaco. Let's see how it all started.
Rainier III, Prince of Monaco - Wikipedia,_Prince_of_Monaco
Rainier was born at Prince's Palace in Monaco, the first native-born prince since Honoré IV in 1758. Rainier's mother, Charlotte was the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco, and his lover, Marie Juliette Louvet; she was legitimised through formal adoption and subsequently named heiress presumptive to the throne of Monaco. Rainier's father, Count Pierre of Polignac was half-French and half-Mexican, who adopted his wife's dynasty, Grimaldi, upon marriage, and was made a Pri…
Princely Family - Monaco Tribune › h...
From François Grimaldi, the first lord of Monaco, to today's Prince Albert ... When Rainier III ascends to the throne in 1949, he inherits a country in full ...
Prince Rainier III of Monaco - Geni › people › Prin...
Genealogy for Prince Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi, III (1923 - 2005) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ...
Rainier de Monaco - La biographie de Rainier de Monaco ...
Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi voit le jour le le 31 mai 1923 à Monaco, fils de la princesse Charlotte de Monaco et du prince Pierre, comte …
Raniero Grimaldi – Wikipedia
15.3.2006 · Raniero Grimaldi (auch mit der französischen Namensform als Rainier I. oder Rainer I. von Monaco genannt; * 1267 in Genua oder Nizza; † 1314) war ein genuesischer Politiker, französischer Admiral und von 1297 bis 1301 erster Herr von Monaco aus der Familie der Grimaldi.. Leben. Raniero wurde vermutlich 1267 – nach anderen Quellen um 1272 – als Sohn …
Rainier II Grimaldi, seigneur de Monaco (c.1325 - 1407 ...
A charter dated 17 Oct 1357 records “procurator...domini Raynerii de Grimaldis, quondam domini Karoli” transferring “terre Rochebrune” to the commune of Genoa, naming “domine Ilarie uxori dicti domini Rainerii” [190]. m secondly ( [1369/70?]%29 ISABELLA, daughter of --- (-after 8 Jul 1417, bur Menton Saint-Michel).