A new portrait of the racial and ethnic makeup of the U.S. is set to be unveiled Thursday when the Census Bureau releases the largest trove of results from the 2020 count so far.
As of 2020, White Americans are the racial majority, with non-Hispanic whites representing 57.8% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the ...
For the 2020 census, people could identify both as a race, such as “White” or “Black,” and as Hispanic or Latino. In this map, the dots representing a race do not include people who also...
VerkkoWhite residents became a minority in six major metro areas in 2020: Dallas-Fort Worth, Orlando, Atlanta, Sacramento, New Orleans and Austin. How the population makeup …
VerkkoThe most recent United States census recognized seven racial categories (White, Black, Latino, Asian, Native American/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian), as well as people …
VerkkoThe largest Multiracial combinations in 2020 were White and Some Other Race (19.3 million), White and American Indian and Alaska Native (4 million), White and Black or …
VerkkoThe upcoming 2020 presidential election has drawn renewed attention to how demographic shifts across the United States have changed the composition of the …
In 2020, the Hispanic or Latino population became the largest racial or ethnic group in California, comprising 39.4% of the total population, up from 37.6% in 2010. This differs from 2010, when the largest racial or ethnic group in California was the White alone non-Hispanic population, whose share declined from 40.1% in 2010 to 34.7% in 2020.
The most recent county-level data available by age, race, sex, and ethnicity are the Vintage 2020 Population Estimates (census.gov) for 2010 to 2019 and the Vintage 2021 Population Estimates (census.gov) for 2020 and 2021. We will update this experience, including the 2010-2019 estimates, when the Bureau releases county-level 2010–2020 ...
VerkkoConnie Hanzhang Jin , Ruth Talbot , Hansi Lo Wang Over the past decade, the United States continued to grow more racially and ethnically diverse, according to the results …
The White alone, non-Hispanic population was the largest racial or ethnic group in the United States at 63.7%. The Hispanic population was the second-largest at 16.3%. The Black or African American alone, non-Hispanic population was third-largest at 12.2%.
VerkkoRace and Ethnicity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census August 12, 2021 The 2020 Census data underlying this visualization are available in the Redistricting …
VerkkoPrevalence rankings illustrate the percent of the population that falls into the first-, second- or third-largest racial or ethnic groups in 2020 (Figure 1): The most prevalent racial or …
VerkkoThe most recent county-level data available by age, race, sex, and ethnicity are the Vintage 2020 Population Estimates (census.gov) for 2010 to 2019 and the Vintage …
VerkkoPopulation pyramid by race of the United States over time from 1900 to 2020 Age and sex distribution as of 2021 [32] males (in thousands) sex ratio: male/female Age …
VerkkoRace and ethnicity across the nation By John Keefe, Daniel Wolfe and Sergio Hernandez, CNN Published Aug. 12, 2021 The United States is more diverse and has more …
Hispanic adults now make up about one-quarter of all eligible voters (24%), an 8-point increase since 2000. Several battleground states have seen smaller – though still potentially meaningful – changes to the demographic composition of the electorate.
White is non-Hispanic white. Nearly every county in the United States became more diverse in the last decade as the nation recorded its first drop in the white population in 2020, according to...