What is the earliest known name for Great Britain? · The Norfolk Black is a British breed of what domestic animal? · Which city is just 8 miles from Southampton?
START QUIZ Who was the first British prime minister? Bill Clinton Barack Obama Robert Walpole George Washington What percentage of the population was killed in the Black Death? 20% 40% 60% 80% What document helped establish the British Parliament? NAFTA The Constitution Magna Carta The Bill of Rights Serfdom was common under what British system?
Jan 3, 2023 · The Ultimate Great British Quiz – Questions And Answers. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain? Ben Nevis in Scotland; Which city has the nickname the ‘city of dreaming spires’? Oxford; Catatonia are a famous band from Wales, but who is their lead singer? Cerys Matthews
Are you an expatriate living in the UK or are you planning to travel to the UK on business or for your studies? Try our British Culture Quiz to see how much ...
In this trivia quiz, you'll find a couple of questions that would be appropriate for the whole of the UK but most of them are entirely focused on England ...
Here you will find 50 trivia questions about the UK and all things British. From Stonehenge to the Royal family, Shakespeare, British slang and Harry Potter ...
Jan 3, 2023 · Our Great Britain quiz is huge with over 50 questions so see how many you can get right! Plus, if the picture round is always your favourite round, check out our UK picture quiz now . It has 5 challenging picture rounds all relating to UK culture.
British Quiz Questions I What is the earliest known name for Great Britain? The Norfolk Black is a British breed of what domestic animal? Which city is just 8 miles from Southampton? What sort of fruit would you find on top of Heather Phillipson’s 'The End'? Which county is known as "The Garden of England"? Can you name Cornwall's only city?