Console output: GUI vs Cmd Line | Qt Forum › topic › 134797Mar 3, 2022 · Console output: GUI vs Cmd Line | Qt Forum Home Qt Development General and Desktop Console output: GUI vs Cmd Line SOLVED Console output: GUI vs Cmd Line SlyPig 3 Mar 2022, 12:57 I have a Windows application that can run as a GUI (when no cmd line options are specified) or as a cmd line application (when cmd line options are specified).
c++ - Console output in a Qt GUI app? - Stack … have a Qt GUI application running on Windows that allows command-line options to be passed and under some circumstances I want to output a message to the console and then quit, for example: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); if (someCommandLineParam) { std::cout << "Hello, world!"; return 0; } MainWindow w;; return a.exec(); }
Viewing Output | Qt Creator Manual › qtcreator › creator-output-panesThe taskbar in Qt Creator can display following types of output: Issues; Search Results; Application Output; Compile Output; QML Debugger Console; General Messages; Version Control; Test Results; Squish test results and Squish Server and Runner logs; To-Do Entries; Output is available on the taskbar in all modes. You can view output in the following ways: