python - If statement with two conditions - Stack Overflow › questions › 51138775Jul 2, 2018 · If statement with two conditions. Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. Modified 4 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 144 times. 1. I have a large pandas sheet where I want to manipulate the wind direction based on the components of the wind speed. Currently I have this: u=new2_df ["U component of wind at 850 Mb over the landfall grid point"].values v=new2_df ["v component of wind at 850 Mb over the landfall grid point"].values wind_speed=np.sqrt (u**2+v**2) wind_dir_calc=np.arctan (v/u) ...
Python If Statement - W3Schools › gloss_python_if_statementPython Conditions and If statements. Python supports the usual logical conditions from mathematics: Equals: a == b; Not Equals: a != b; Less than: a < b; Less than or equal to: a <= b; Greater than: a > b; Greater than or equal to: a >= b; These conditions can be used in several ways, most commonly in "if statements" and loops. An "if statement" is written by using the if keyword.
Python if statements with multiple conditions (and + or) › python › if-elseSep 6, 2019 · The if portion checks two conditions. First we see if the current temperature is above the all-time low (currentTemp > tempLow). Then we check if the temperature is below the highest reading (currentTemp < tempHigh). Since we join those two conditions with the or operator, just one has to test True before Python runs the if code.
Check multiple conditions in if statement - Python ... › check-multiple-conditionsMar 26, 2020 · If the first condition falls false, the compiler doesn’t check the second one. If the first condition is true and the compiler moves to the second and if the second comes out to be false, false is returned to the if statement. or Comparison = for this to work normally either condition needs to be true. The compiler checks the first condition first and if that turns out to be true, the compiler runs the assigned code and the second condition is not evaluated.