PS Form 3817 "Certificate of Mailing" - TemplateRoller
At the post office, in addition to the correct postage, the mailer must pay the certificate fee for each item on the PS Form 3817, which is currently $1.45. Also, for a separate fee (an additional $1.45), the mailer may request a duplicate copy of the certificate after mailing. In order to obtain this copy, they must present the original form ...
Mailing Services Price Changes - USPS › postal-bulletin › 2022Individual article (PS Form 3817) First-Class Mail International only. $1.75. Duplicate copy of PS Form 3817 or PS Form 3665 (per page) First-Class Mail International only. 1.75. Firm mailing sheet (PS Form 3665), per piece (minimum 3) First-Class Mail International only. 0.50. Bulk quantities. For first 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof)