Contact us | Prysmian Group › contact-usMyynnin yhteystiedot Asiakaspalvelumme sähköpostiosoite on fi-sales (at) Henkilökohtaiset sähköpostimme ovat muotoa etunimi.sukunimi (at) SÄHKÖTUKUT, URAKOITSIJAT, TEOLLISUUS JA TELEVERKOT Juha Majamäki Myyntijohtaja 040 561 7957 Torbjörn Theman Etelä-Suomi 040 844 6761 Seppo Pöyhönen Lounais-Suomi 040 823 4251
Production facilities | Prysmian Group › products-and-solutionsOur Submarine Manufacturing centres of excellence are located in three different countries: Arco Felice Plant (Italy) Paper and XLPE cable MV, HVAC up to 400kV & HVDC up to 600kV 2 CCV & 2 Lapping lines Pikkala Plant (Finland) XLPE cables MV, HVAC up to 400kV & HVDC up to 525kV 1 CCV & 2 VCV Drammen Plant (Norway) Oil&Gas and MV Submarine plant
EN - PIKKALA - FINLAND - Prysmian Group › en › newsMar 5, 2021 · Milan, 25 th January 2021 – Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry, is taking a step forward on its path to improve the sustainability of its operations, by making its Finland submarine, high- and medium-voltage cable plant, the company’s excellence centre also for green energy consumption.