University students launch nationwide protest against ... › a › 74-20051707Sep 25, 2023 · Students are staging sit-in protests at university campuses across Finland on Monday in protest at budget cuts planned by Petteri Orpo 's (NCP) right-wing coalition government. The coordinated, nationwide day of protests kicked off at 8am when about 100 students at the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences began their sit-in.
ilmainen protestilista - Srch-hakukone › ilmainen-protestilista13.12.2021 · Protestilista. Kaikki talousalueet Keski-Suomen talousalue Kuopion talousalue Kymen talousalue Lahden ja Kanta-Hämeen talousalue Lapin talousalue Mikkelin talousalue Oulun talousalue Pohjois-Karjalan talousalue Porin talousalue Tampereen talousalue Turun talousalue ja Ahvenanmaa Uudenmaan talousalue Vaasan talousalue. Kaikki.
Protestit | Kaleva › aihe › protestitMay 27, 2020 · Tuoreimmat aiheesta: Protestit. Neljä ihmistä on kuollut USA:ssa mielenosoituksiin liittyvissä väkivaltaisuuksissa – Kansalliskaarti aktivoitiin koko Minnesotan osavaltiossa
Protestilista Oulu - Srch-hakukone › Protestilista-OuluOulun Imubetonilattiat Oy Piuhatie 11 90620 Oulu (katso kartta) Kari Peltokoski (08) 342 434 (040) 829 3963. Betonilattiatyöt numerosta: 040 8293963 Betonilattiat; Betonilattiatyöt, betonilattian pinnoitukset ja betonilattioiden erikoispalvelut;
The University of Oulu shares the students' concern about ... › en › newsSep 25, 2023 · You highlight our shared concern that the government, with its decisions impacting student livelihoods, intends to undermine your chances of focusing on your studies. According to the calculations by National Union of University Students in Finland, the cuts in housing support will cost an average student household 76 euros, and the freeze on ...