Spanish Pronouns - Learn Languages › spanish_pronounsEnglish Pronouns Spanish Pronouns; Pronouns: Pronombres: I: Yo: you: tu/ usted: he: él: she: ella: we: nosotros: they: ellos: me: yo: you: tu/ usted: him: él/ lo/ le: her: ella/ le: us: nosotros: them: ellos: my: mi: your: su: his: su: her: su: our: nuestro: their: su: mine: mio/ mia: yours: tuyo: his: suyo: hers: suyo: ours: nuestro: theirs: suyo
Spanish Pronouns | Lingvist › resources › spanish-pronounsSpanish pronouns include: subject pronouns (replace the subject of the sentence i.e. “[subject] smiles”) possessive pronouns (replace an item that’s owned by someone, i.e., “This is mine”) direct object pronouns (replace the direct object of the sentence, i.e., “[subject] throws [direct object]”)
Spanish pronouns - Wikipedia pronouns in some ways work quite differently from their English counterparts. Subject pronouns are often omitted, and object pronouns come in clitic and non-clitic forms. When used as clitics, object pronouns can appear as proclitics that come before the verb or as enclitics attached to … Näytä lisää
Personal Pronouns in Spanish Grammar - Lingolia › grammar › personal-pron...Overview of Spanish Personal Pronouns · 1st person, nosotros, nos, nosotros, we, us (masculine). nosotras, nosotras, we, us (feminine) · 2nd person, vosotros, os ...