Professional Communication - SlideShare › professional-communicationApr 07, 2011 · -needs to be used in a professional manner-requires more concentration than face-to-face communication-devote your full attention to the call (no multitasking)-take notes to help you remember the key points-when you place a call, have a the person you are calling understand your objective-when you receive the call, help the caller achieve his objective -you represent Burns & McDonnell-answer within four rings – introduce yourself-before putting someone on hold, ask him if that is ...
(PPT) Professional Communication Skills | Farai MUshangwe ... › 36608807 › Professional2/1/2018 Paul Svongoro 2 write clear, concise and effective business documents in an efficient and professional manner; appreciate the nature and importance of effective communication within and beyond organisations; explore connections between theory, research evidence and ‘real world’ communication practices; demonstrate an understanding of the communication process and apply it to written, visual and oral messages in business.
(PPT) Professional Communication Skills -
2/1/2018 Paul Svongoro 2 write clear, concise and effective business documents in an efficient and professional manner; appreciate the nature and importance of effective communication within and beyond organisations; explore connections between theory, research evidence and ‘real world’ communication practices; demonstrate an understanding of the communication process and apply it to written, visual and oral messages in business.
Building Professional Communication Skills - SlideShare › tereza53 › buildingMar 10, 2011 · List your positive communication skills – the things you do well 12. Quickly, each person shares one thing he/she does well</li></li></ul><li>Bottoms up!observe/listen first and then communicate based on getting a more informed understanding of the situation<br />conclusions<br />patterns<br />build rapport<br />throw out bias<br />eyes and ears open<br />It’s not about proving what we think we know<br />