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9 CFR Part 112 -- Packaging and Labeling - › current › title-9
( b) A data summary, available on the Internet at, shall be used with each submission of efficacy and safety data in support of a label claim. Manufacturers will submit the efficacy and safety data information with either the efficacy and safety studies or at the time of label submission.
STLC PCS Guidance - USDA APHIS › ourfocus
There will be a delay of at least 28 days before posting the PCS to the website. Firms wishing to have a PCS ...
Upon login you agree to the following information: You are accessing a U.S. Government information system, which includes (1) this computer, (2) this computer network, (3) all computers connected to this network, and (4) all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network. This information system is provided ...
USDA APHIS | Home Landing Page
May 01, 2022 · The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar.
eCFR :: 9 CFR 112.5 -- Review and approval of labeling.
Master labels to which exception are taken will be marked as sketches and handled under paragraph (e) (1) (ii) of this section. ( 2) Mounting: ( i) Each label or sketch shall be securely fastened to a separate sheet of heavy bond paper (8 1⁄2 ″ × 11″) in such a manner that all information is available for review.
USDA APHIS | Home Landing Page
1.5.2022 · This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted — in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely.
center for veterinary biologics notice no. 17-13 - USDA APHIS › publications › notic...
studies requiring an Individual Study Summary (ISS) under APHIS Rule 2011-0049 ... statement will be posted to
Veterinary Biologics - USDA APHIS › ourfocus
APHIS regulates veterinary biologics (vaccines, bacterins, antisera, diagnostic kits, and other products of biological origin) to ensure ...
Product Summaries - USDA APHIS › ourfocus
Products are searchable on manufacturer, trade name, U.S. Veterinary Product Number (VPN), U.S. Veterinary Establishment/License Number (VLN), ...
USDA APHIS | Reagent Data Sheets (DATs)
States government Here how you know The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites always use .gov .mil domain. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re .gov .mil site inspecting your...
190-154101 - USDA APHIS › ourfocus
The .gov means it's official. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Before sharing sensitive information online, make ...
Licensed Veterinary Biological Product Information - USDA ... › ourfocus
USDA-APHIS requires published summaries only for studies submitted on, or after, January 2007. Some older studies may be published voluntarily.
USDA APHIS | Animal Health Landing Page › aphis › ourfocus
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) has created the International Animal Product Export Regulations (IREGS) to provide exporters with our best understanding of importing countries requirements for certain animal-origin products.
USDA APHIS | Animal Health Landing Page
Laboratory Information and Services. APHIS laboratory services are provided by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa and Orient Point (Plum Island), New York. The NVSL provides a wide variety of information and services, centered around diagnosis of domestic and foreign animal diseases, support of disease control ...
USDA APHIS | Product Summaries › aphis › ourfocus
Jan 13, 2022 · Product Summaries. This website provides the public with summaries of safety and effectiveness (efficacy) studies used to license a particular USDA-regulated veterinary biological product. Products on this website include vaccines, bacterins, and immunomodulators, but not diagnostic test kits, antibody products, or allergenic extracts. Products ...
Animal Health Landing Page - USDA APHIS › ourfocus
NVAP accredited vets are authorized to certify the health status of livestock and other animals. Learn how to become an accredited veterinarian. Laboratory ...
Federal Register :: Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous ... › documents › 2016/07/20
Jul 20, 2016 · § 112.5 [Amended] 2. In § 112.5, paragraph (a) is amended by removing the words “ ( )” and adding the words “ ( animalhealth/ cvb/ forms )” in their place. Done in Washington, DC, this 14th day of July 2016. Jere L. Dick, Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
LABELS - USDA APHIS › pel_4_2” 1.4. Revaccination interval (after initial vaccination series): Each label must specify recommendations for revaccination beyond ...
USDA APHIS | Product Summaries
13.1.2022 · Product Summaries. This website provides the public with summaries of safety and effectiveness (efficacy) studies used to license a particular USDA-regulated veterinary biological product. Products on this website include vaccines, bacterins, and immunomodulators, but not diagnostic test kits, antibody products, or allergenic extracts. Products ...
STLC Industry Guidance - USDA APHIS › ourfocus
All of the ISSs applicable to a single biological product are then compiled into a Product Compilation Summary (PCS), which is posted to ...
USDA ERS - Phytosanitary Regulation
This data product provides information on phytosanitary regulations affecting U.S. imports of 42 fresh fruits and vegetables. From 2008 to 2012, the Economic Research Service (ERS) annually published statistics on the countries eligible to ship these goods to the United States and the extent to which they represent the whole of world trade.
An official website of the United States government
Imported material of plants and vegetative parts that are for or capable of propagation, including buds, corms, cuttings, layers, pollen, scions, seeds, tissue, tubers, and like structures.
memo_800_54.pdf - USDA APHIS › publications › mem...
For more information regarding safety data, see” Page 4. VETERINARY SERVICES MEMORANDUM NO. 800.54. Page 4. An Equal ...
eCFR :: 9 CFR 112.5 -- Review and approval of labeling. › current › title-9
( b) A data summary, available on the Internet at, shall be used with each submission of efficacy and safety data in support of a label claim. Manufacturers will submit the efficacy and safety data information with either the efficacy and safety studies or at the time of label submission.
USDA APHIS | Licensed Veterinary Biological Product Information › aphis › ourfocus
Mar 10, 2022 · Product Licensing Data. This web page provides the public with summaries of safety and effectiveness (efficacy) studies used to license a particular USDA-regulated veterinary biological product. Product summaries are published for vaccines, bacterins, and immunomodulators, but not diagnostic test kits, antibody products, or allergenic extracts.