S-kanava - Prisma
asiakaspalaute.s-kanava.fi › palaute › ketjutS-kanava - Prisma Ole hyvä ja valitse alla olevasta listauksesta yhteydenottoasi koskeva aihealue ja klikkaa Jatka. Seuraavalla sivulla voit kirjoittaa yhteydenottosi tai mikäli yhteydenottosi koskee tiettyä toimipaikkaa, kohdistaa sen tarkemmin suoraan toimipaikalle. Prisma-myymälä Prisma-verkkokauppa Prisma yleisesti
Prisma Health
www.prismahealth.orgMore primary care specialists to help you be your healthiest you. As South Carolina’s largest health system, with nearly 600 primary care doctors across the Midlands and Upstate, we can help you choose the doctor who’s right for you and your family.
MyChart - Prisma Health
www.prismahealth.org › patients-and-guests › forConnect your healthcare with MyChart. MyChart is an online tool that connects you with your personal health information and your healthcare team quickly and easily. Any care you receive from a Prisma Health provider will appear in your MyChart account online. You also can use MyChart to manage the health information of other family members, such as an aging parent (with his or her permission) or child, by setting up a proxy account.
prisma-statement.orgPRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PRISMA primarily focuses on the reporting of reviews evaluating the effects of interventions, but can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic reviews with objectives other than evaluating interventions (e.g. evaluating aetiology, prevalence, diagnosis or prognosis).